See Dr. Erb's Publications and "In Press" Articles:
Mental Health, Philosophy, Feminism, Research and Bodyography
Below is the fun land of mental health articles where we incubate, gestate and find meaning within the Psychodynamic paradigm.
Erb, J. & Bittinger R. (Forthcoming) Your Therapist is not Okay: Re-embracing the understanding of the Wounded Healer
The Bodies Collective (2023) The Collaborative Body in Qualitative Research: Becoming Bodyography. London: Routledge.
Bittinger, R., Clarke, D., Erb, J., Hauser, H., Wyatt, J., (2021) Intimacy as Inquiry: Collaborative reading and writing with Deleuze and Guattari, In Cultural Studies <-> Critical Methodologies: Special Issue on Deleuze & Guattari.
Erb, J., & Bittinger, R., (2021) “Where Does Power Go When No One Wants It: Two New Academics Grapple with the Hierarchies Implicit within Conference Spaces” in International Review of Qualitative Research, ECQI special issue.
Erb, J., CO Bodies Collective, (2021) Bodyography as activism in qualitative inquiry: The Bodies Collective at ECQI19 in International Review of Qualitative Research, special issue.
Erb, J. (2020), The Politics of appearance: Bodily transference and its implications for the counselling relationship, in Psychotherapy and Politics International, 18:2 Special Issue: Therapists’ Lived Experience.
Erb, J. (2019), Stumbling through the Contours of Bodily Appearance: Nomadic Embodiment of the Female Counsellor. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Edinburgh.
Epp, D. and Erb, J. (2014) Possible buffers against mental illness amongst university students at CMU. Results published
Erb, J. (2010) Honours Research: Independent Study: ‘Are We all Better than Eachother? Social Comparisons Correlate with What is important in life’ .
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