What therapy is right for me? You may realize that having both short term solution-focussed therapy - like mindfullness or coaching - as well as counselling and psychotherapy may be the right fit for you. That can absolutely be possible to achieve at Centred Self
Short Term counselling and psychotherapy is about 6-10 sessions. If this appeals to you both mindfullness sessions and coaching can be incredibly helpful!
Short Term Solution focussed counselling and psychotherapy look more at solving your problem. If you want this it may mean that you may do well with our coaching services at Centred Self!
CBT is a short term solution-focussed approach the deals with fixing your thoughts through worksheets and challenging your thoughts. This can happen in therapy, and at Centred Self we specialize in relational counselling and solution psychotherapy practices. Therefore, coaching and therapy may be best for you!
Mindfullness and Coaching services are all 'action based' - meaning that you may not dive into the 'why or root' of the problem, but rather gain great coping skills. It is a great short term approach.
For Psychodynamic counselling and psychotherapy, we believe that "The Past is Dynamically Alive in our Present". This is much longer term than a short term appraoch and gets to the root of the problem.
The therapeutic relationship is always different based on therapist and client, but is often seen as vital to establishing trust with the client - we believe this is the foundation to counselling and psychotherapy.
We have learned that being a 'blank-screen' is not helpful to meeting clients where they are at. With our psychotherapists, you will find real people who meet you as the expert of your own life. We also offer low-cost therapy services.
This can take time, but we believe that true psychotherapeutic change comes from getting to the root of the problem rather than what could be a 'symptom' of it. This may be the answer if you are wondering: what therapy is right for me?
If this seems to fit for you, contact us today!
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We hope this season is one of relaxation and filled with joy.
However, it can also be a tricky time of year for many.
If you want some extra help during this season, please reach out tody.